Cost & Contract Management and Procurement Strategy

HESED CONSULTANTS LIMITED provides a complete cost planning and contract consultancy service to protect our client’s financial interests by:

  • Prepare preliminary cost advice to establish a realistic budget
  • Prepare elemental estimate as the planning progresses and reconcile with the budget
  • Analyse of costs or alternative designs, materials and construction programme
  • Assist design team to obtain economical design solutions through value management involving cost studies, cost comparisons and life cycle cost analysis
  • Compile of project cash flow
  • Estimate for different designs, to fit for client’s expectation and help them to make a best and cost effective decision
  • Advise and arrange for the tendering stage and assist in planning of preparation of drawings
  • Advise on the type of contract to be adopted & procurement strategy
  • Draft contract clauses to suit special circumstances of project and promote an optimal risks allocation
  • Arrange fair and equitable tendering procedures
  • Obtain competitive prices from selected contractors by tendering by other ways to suit particular requirements of the project such as time constraints and partnering arrangements with contractor
  • Prepare pre-tender estimate
  • Value the work in progress and recommend interim payments
  • Measure and value variations under contract
  • Prepare progressive financial statements regularly during construction period
  • Assist the architect in administering and interpreting contract conditions to avoid or minimize claims from contractor
  • Examine, evaluate and negotiate with contractor for any claims that may arise (extension of time, direct loss and/or expense, disruption, acceleration & global claims, etc.)
  • Life cycle costing analysis
  • Valuation of variations, claims and other issue and preparation of draft final accounts
  • Negotiations and settlement of final account
  • Analysis and compare the final constriction cost and the estimated investment cost
  • Advise on the duty of maintenance issue

Service type

Quantity Surveying